Project Scope
TEW was engaged by UTS to undertake the relocation of a one of a kind backing line used in the textiles manufacturing process.
- Design and construct
- Relocation of existing production equipment.
- Undertake modifications of process plant including extensions for increased quality inspections, additional cooling and minimising downtime.
- Critical timeframes and changeovers during Christmas Shutdown.
- Transport of specialist and unique production plant and equipment.
- Undertaking modification of an existing process and implementing in new premises once existing plant and equipment relocated.
- Relocating electrical infrastructure with no existing electrical drawings or schematics.
- Critical handover of knowledge within delivery team due to planned/scheduled holidays.
- Successful relocation of existing plant and equipment.
- Successful implementation of modified process.
- Met timeframes and allowed plant and equipment to commence production once client workforce returned from Christmas shutdown.
- Documented electrical infrastructure.
- Undertook 3D scan of existing plant and equipment at existing premises. Integrated new process within existing plant and equipment. Undertook 3D scan at new premises and integrated layout prior to planned shutdown to ensure correct layout and review possible clashes.